I’m a Mom who lost a child making me a member of a very select group of Survivors.

Membership in this group is a parent’s worst nightmare and it’s a lifetime membership. I understand grief and despair. After my son crossed over, I found myself unable to relate to my old life so I retired, sold my house and all my things and traveled the world for two and a half years. Along the way, travel turned into pilgrimage. I found a spiritual path with the Four Winds Society. The teachings and practices of Modern Shamanism were a catalyst for healing and change in my own life that I want to share. I teach, I write, and I lead retreats.

But most of all, I Love.

“Grief is one of our greatest teachers it cracks us open. That’s how the light gets in.” -Ram Dass

You don’t have to lose a child to suffer. Our lives are periodically or perpetually filled with pain and suffering from abandonment, abuse, betrayal, and feeling separated from Spirit or God. I use the teachings and practices of the Medicine Wheel as the fuel to ignite suffering and transform it into Vision so that you can live life with ease and grace.

“Suffering brings us close to God.” Maharaji

I am a Master Shaman personally trained by Alberto Villoldo. I am a senior teacher with the Four Winds Society and have trained extensively in the techniques of Illumination, Soul Retrieval, Extractions of Energies and Entities, Divination and Death Rites.

I combine my expertise as an energy medicine practitioner with thirty years of legal experience in criminal and energy law culminating in becoming a federal administrative law judge in Washington, D.C. In my legal practice I worked with executives, law firms, organizations and individuals in all walks of life. I understand people and process. As a judge I worked to bring successful closure to cases through the judicial process and arbitration. I’m a graduate of Georgetown Law Center (J.D.), a former Fulbright Scholar in Afghanistan, and hold Masters Degrees in Public Health and Public and International Affairs (MPH, MPIA).

Learn more about Karen’s Journey here.